"Red Herring"

Lord, thank you for all you’ve given. The wonder. The glory. All I could want is to worship, in sight, in heart, in all that I do. To worship at your feet, to rest in your eyes. I falter, disobey, and stray from the quickened path (pressed acceleration). How can I approach You with words? How can I gaze upon Your face? The words dissolve. The heart cannot bear it. I am crushed (crushing) by Your beauty, wide-eyed, slack-jawed, and breathless. What is the trick of pity worth? I have long punished myself under self-imposed law, otherly law, sublimity law, for what? A distance from You I wrap around my eyes? Lord, unveil! The yolk’s upon the screen, the gossamer wings of the Taxiarch, the eternal Macrophage, (Justice!) but a glimpse of nature, naked, unfurling, enfolding; Mother, Lover, Father, I throw myself at your feet! I felt each future step and word a prayer and answer wholly. Grace and mercy, will be done, equanimity complete. Amen.